Solar turbine oil pump repair

According to the job description announced by the employer, the oil pump operates at 2000 RPM and at a pressure of 150 PSI, which transfers the oil, which has a maximum temperature of 80 degrees Celsius, with a flow rate of 746 LIT / Min. After complete disassembly of the parts and cleaning and inspection of each part, the main problem of the pump was that the pump bearings were damaged. Also, due to the operation of the pump with damaged bearings, a number of liner plates have been damaged and malfunctioned. After checking the wear plates and their importance in not reducing the pressure drop, the bearings and defective wear plates were replaced. Also, the pinion gears and housing (Housing) were scanned using VMM (Video Measuring Machine) and the gear profile was not a problem and the gears were healthy.

EmployerGachsaran Oil and Gas Exploitation Company
ContractorDanesh ghete samin company
Delivery DateMarch 2017

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