Turbine Solar Center liquid fuel pump


1- Designing and building a solar turbine fuel pump for the first time in Iran

2- Delivery of the entire order of the employer (6 pumps) in 2 months

3- Better and stronger performance than the original model made in FranceProject

Description :

The fuel pump of the solar gas turbine is a gear pump with a performance of 2000RPM and a working pressure of 1000PSI, which feeds kerosene fluid (crude oil) with a flow rate of 45LPM to the combustion chamber of the turbine.

After disassembling the main pump, which is made in France, and performing the reverse engineering process including (calculations related to the flow rate, improved body design, designing and ordering the construction of a mechanical seal much stronger than the original model, scanning the pump gears Mainly with the Vmm (Video Measuring Machine) and designing other components including shafts and spindle connection, bearings, etc., he began to build the set.

Due to the sensitivity of this equipment in the turbine assembly and the possibility of shutting down the assembly in case of incorrect pump operation, the quality control process was carried out with High  sensitivity.

After making the prototype and performing relevant tests, the pump was tested by the employer on the equipment, which according to the employer was stronger than the original sample.

EmployerIOPTC of Lorestan region
ContractorsDanesh Ghete Samin CO.
Delivery Date2022
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