Screw pump

A screw pump is a rotary pump equipped with screws that mesh together and rotate inside a cylindrical cylinder. Liquid enters from the suction side of the pump and moves linearly along these meshed screws to the discharge side of the pump.

product name

screw pump


The screw pump was designed and built by the order of Arundan Oil and Gas Company in 1401 with a pump head of 50m, a rotating speed of 1450RPM and an inlet pressure of 23barg.
Screw pump


In general, the screw pump is used for high pressure fuel injection, lubrication and hydraulic activities. These pumps are used in various industries.


Danesh Tagh Samin Company announces its readiness to manufacture all types of screw pumps used in various industries with the best quality and guarantee. Contact us for advice.

Productsscrew pumpuncategorized

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